Is there a command to refresh environment variables from the command prompt in Windows?

Answer Option 1 In Windows, there isn’t a built-in command to refresh environment variables directly from the command prompt. However, you can achieve a similar effect by reopening the command prompt window, which will inherit the updated environment variables from the system. When you modify environment variables (either by using the GUI or by setting … Read more

MailKit C# SmtpClient.Connect() to Office 365 generating exception: “An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host”

Answer Option 1 The “An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host” error message typically indicates that the remote server (in this case, Office 365’s SMTP server) terminated the connection unexpectedly. This can happen due to various reasons, including network issues, security policies, or incorrect configuration. Here are some steps you can take … Read more

PHPMailer character encoding issues

Answer Option 1 PHPMailer is a widely used library for sending emails in PHP. Character encoding issues can arise when sending emails with non-ASCII characters, such as accented letters or special symbols. To address character encoding issues in PHPMailer, consider the following steps: Set Character Encoding: PHPMailer provides a method called CharSet that you can … Read more

How to shrink/purge ibdata1 file in MySQL

Answer Option 1 The ibdata1 file in MySQL is an important system file that stores the InnoDB storage engine’s data dictionary and metadata. It doesn’t automatically shrink when you delete data from your database. However, you can optimize space usage by performing the following steps: Dump and Restore: The most reliable way to reduce the … Read more

pip install fails with “connection error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:598)”

Answer Option 1 The error message you’re encountering indicates that there’s a problem with verifying the SSL certificate when trying to connect to the PyPI server to download packages using pip. This can happen if the SSL certificates on your system are outdated or missing, or if there’s a network issue. Here are a few … Read more

Get ADFS Token in Powershell

Answer Option 1 To obtain an ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services) token using PowerShell, you typically need to make a request to the ADFS server’s token endpoint using the OAuth 2.0 authentication flow. Here’s a basic example of how you can achieve this using PowerShell: # ADFS Token Endpoint URL $tokenEndpoint = “https://your-adfs-server/adfs/oauth2/token” # Client … Read more

Insert a line break in mailto body

Answer Option 1 The mailto: URL scheme is used to create email links. Unfortunately, there is no standardized way to include line breaks in the body of a mailto link’s body parameter. Different email clients and systems may interpret line breaks differently or not at all. However, you can try using the %0D%0A URL-encoded characters … Read more

Get PDF file from printer via Python scan instruction

Answer Option 1 To retrieve a PDF file from a printer using Python, you generally need to interact with the scanner hardware or software. Scanners and printers are different devices, and printers are not designed to provide scanned images or documents. However, if you’re looking to scan a document using a connected scanner and save … Read more