Delphi Win32 Service “Printer Selected is not valid” error on 2008 64bit standard server

Answer Option 1

The “Printer Selected is not valid” error typically indicates that there is an issue with the printer configuration when running a Delphi Win32 service on a 64-bit Windows Server environment. This error can arise due to various reasons related to printer settings and permissions.

Here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

  1. Check Printer Configuration: Ensure that the printer you are trying to access is correctly configured on the Windows Server machine. Confirm that the printer drivers are installed and functioning properly.
  2. Permissions: Make sure that the account under which the Win32 service is running has sufficient permissions to access and use the selected printer. This includes both the printer’s physical connection and its software configuration.
  3. Run Service as Administrator: Try running the Win32 service as an administrator. This might resolve some permission-related issues.
  4. User Profile Consideration: Windows services run in a different session than user applications. If the printer is user-specific, it may not be available to the service. Consider using a network or shared printer that is accessible by all users and services.
  5. Network Printer: If the printer is a network printer, ensure that it’s properly shared and accessible by the service account.
  6. Use UNC Paths: Instead of specifying the printer directly by its name, use the printer’s UNC (Universal Naming Convention) path. This can help avoid issues related to user-specific printer mappings.
  7. 64-Bit Compatibility: Ensure that the printer drivers are compatible with the 64-bit architecture of the Windows Server. Installing incorrect or incompatible printer drivers can cause issues.
  8. Environment Variables: If the service is running under a specific user account, ensure that the environment variables related to printer settings are correctly configured for that user.
  9. Test Outside of Service: To isolate the issue, try to reproduce the error in a non-service context (e.g., a standalone application). This can help you determine if the issue is specific to the service environment.
  10. Log Errors: Add logging statements to your Delphi service code to track where exactly the error is occurring. This can provide more insight into the root cause of the problem.
  11. Check Event Logs: Monitor the Windows Event Viewer for any related error messages or warnings. This might provide additional information about the issue.
  12. Update Printer Drivers: If you determine that the printer drivers are causing the issue, consider updating them to the latest versions provided by the printer manufacturer.

Remember that interacting with printers from a Windows service can be more complex due to differences in session context and permissions. Ensuring that your service is running with appropriate permissions and considering the points above should help you troubleshoot and resolve the “Printer Selected is not valid” error.


Answer Option 2

The “Printer Selected is not valid” error in a Delphi Win32 service typically occurs when the service is attempting to access a printer that is not available or properly configured on the system. This error can be caused by various factors, and troubleshooting might involve checking printer configurations, permissions, and other settings. Here are some steps you can take to address this issue:

  1. Printer Configuration: Verify that the printer you are trying to access is installed and configured correctly on the server. Ensure that the printer’s drivers are compatible with the server’s architecture (64-bit in this case) and that the printer is online and operational.
  2. Service Permissions: Check the permissions of the Windows service account that the Delphi service is running under. Ensure that the service account has the necessary permissions to access and use printers on the system. The service account might need permission to interact with the desktop or access network resources.
  3. Interactive Services: Services running on Windows Server operating systems, particularly in later versions, are not allowed to interact with the desktop by default. If your Delphi service requires interacting with the desktop, consider redesigning it to work without desktop interaction, as it’s not recommended due to security considerations.
  4. Printer Default: If your service is using the default printer settings, ensure that the default printer is properly configured and available on the system.
  5. Printer API: If your Delphi service uses printer-related Windows APIs, ensure that you are handling errors and exceptions properly. Some printer APIs might return specific error codes or messages that could provide more insight into the issue.
  6. Printer Drivers: Sometimes, printer driver issues can cause problems. Try updating the printer drivers to the latest versions compatible with your server’s architecture.
  7. Event Logs: Check the Windows Event Viewer for any related error or warning messages that might shed light on the issue.
  8. Debugging: If feasible, consider adding logging and error handling to your Delphi service code to capture more information about the error, such as the printer being accessed, the context in which the error occurs, and any relevant error codes.
  9. Test Environment: If possible, create a controlled testing environment to reproduce the issue. This might help you isolate the problem and find a solution without affecting production systems.

Remember that interacting with printers from a Windows service can be complex due to security and architectural considerations. It’s important to follow best practices and design your service in a way that is compatible with the limitations and requirements of Windows services.

If the issue persists, you might consider reaching out to Delphi or Windows Server support forums, as other developers and experts in these communities may have encountered similar issues and can provide more specific guidance based on your situation.